Zoo Hunter Standard stats
Class Winrate Total Games
Death Knight 63.5 727
Demon Hunter 62.5 112
Druid 63.5 441
Hunter 56.6 475
Mage 61.4 588
Paladin 54.5 804
Priest 62.4 545
Rogue 54.8 571
Shaman 58.0 119
Warlock 51.1 609
Warrior 57.9 724
Total 58.3 5715
Deck Opponent Rank Replay Link

### Zoo Hunter AAECAR8E1/kFzo4Gx6QG/eUGDebKBZf2Bcj2BYWOBsuOBtKOBuelBvGlBvKlBv+lBpKmBoHmBoTmBgAA

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

#11491 Legend

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