Burrow Buster
Burrow Buster

Canary Falling Stalactite Inferno! Water Source Rock Fool's Azerite Living Stone Glowing Glyph Escaping Trogg Azerite Chunk Collapse! Azerite Gem Motherlode Drake Crystal Carving Show of Force Crystal Elemental Argunite Army Golganneth, the Thunderer Roaring Oceans Lord of Skies Shargahn's Wrath Maximize Defenses! Servant of the Primus Induce Insanity Tentacle Swarm Heartblossom The Twisting Nether To the Void! V-07-TR-0N Prime Deepholm Geode World Pillar Fragment Empowered Felblaze Infernal Attach the Cannons! Felblaze Imp Titanforge Progenitor's Power Maintain Order Full Power! Reinforced Spontaneous Growth Shape the Stars Timeless Ancient Bountiful Harvest Ancient Knowledge Flourish Heart of Flame Strike from History Commanding Presence Pacified Taeshalach Unlimited Potential Swift Slash Tempering Vision of Heroes Vry'kul Enforcer The Azerite Ox The Azerite Hawk The Azerite Scorpion The Azerite Dragon Pouch of Coins The Azerite Rat Steelhide Mole Legion Invasion! Runes of Frost Argus, the Emerald Star Chaotic Tendril Norgannon Eonar, the Life-Binder Aman'Thul Sargeras, the Destroyer The Azerite Murloc Khaz'goroth Amitus, the Peacekeeper Aggramar, the Avenger Reign of Chaos The Azerite Snake Ogrefist Boulder Runes of Blood Runes of the Unholy Yogg-Saron, Unleashed The Primus
Name Burrow Buster
Card Set Showdown in the Badlands
Id 98768
Mana Cost 5
Attack 6
Health 5
Classes Neutral
Minion Type Mech
Spell School
Flavor Text We Almost Went With The Name " Giant Drill", But Then It Would've Had To Be An 8/8
Text <b> Rush</b> <b> Battlecry:</b> <b> Excavate</b> A Treasure
Keywords Battlecry, Excavate, Rush
Collectible True
Duels Constructed False
Duels Relevant False