Highlander Shaman Standard stats
Class Winrate Total Games
Death Knight 56.0 926
Demon Hunter 54.4 114
Druid 54.9 415
Hunter 54.4 388
Mage 56.7 529
Paladin 45.3 757
Priest 51.6 688
Rogue 54.1 741
Shaman 60.7 173
Warlock 48.6 587
Warrior 45.8 829
Total 51.9 6151
Deck Opponent Rank Replay Link

### Highlander Shaman AAECAaoIHv2fBP3EBb7QBa3tBb/tBfTyBY31Ba31BYf7BdiBBpCDBvmMBrONBuyVBqudBq2dBpyeBp+eBs+eBtGeBsekBqelBqilBtSlBqSnBqinBtOnBq+oBoG4BtHQBgAAAA==

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

#126 Legend

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### Highlander Shaman AAECAaoIHv2fBP3EBfTIBb7QBeXkBfTyBY31BYf7BfmMBqmVBuyVBs6cBqudBq2dBpyeBp+eBs2eBtGeBsufBsekBqelBqilBtSlBqSnBqinBtOnBq+oBuupBoG4BtHQBgAAAA==

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

#83 Legend

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