Rainbow DK Standard stats
Class Winrate Total Games
Death Knight 51.3 1829
Demon Hunter 58.8 243
Druid 47.8 1049
Hunter 50.3 1064
Mage 48.9 1602
Paladin 52.9 1661
Priest 48.1 1483
Rogue 53.8 1420
Shaman 57.1 392
Warlock 49.3 1256
Warrior 53.1 1788
Total 51.1 13791
Deck Opponent Rank Replay Link

### BFU Rainbow DK AAECAfHhBAb8+QWT+wXt/wX/lwbHpAa9sQYM9eMEkOQEyoMG9YwGhY4G85EGlJUGkZcGkqAGubEGu7EG1uUGAAA=

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

#192 Legend

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