Mo'arg Drillfist
Mo'arg Drillfist

Canary Falling Stalactite Water Source Rock Fool's Azerite Living Stone Glowing Glyph Escaping Trogg Azerite Chunk Collapse! Azerite Gem Motherlode Drake Heartblossom Deepholm Geode World Pillar Fragment Pouch of Coins Steelhide Mole The Azerite Snake Ogrefist Boulder
Name Mo'arg Drillfist
Card Set Showdown in the Badlands
Id 102904
Mana Cost 4
Attack 4
Health 5
Classes Warlock
Minion Type Demon
Spell School
Flavor Text Also Functions As The Town Dentist
Text <b> Taunt</b> <b> Deathrattle:</b> <b> Excavate</b> A Treasure
Keywords Excavate, Taunt, Deathrattle
Collectible True
Duels Constructed False
Duels Relevant False