Lesser Spinel Spellstone
Lesser Spinel Spellstone

Greater Spinel Spellstone Spinel Spellstone
Name Lesser Spinel Spellstone
Card Set Whizbang's Workshop
Id 105355
Mana Cost 1
Classes Death Knight
Minion Type
Spell School
Flavor Text A Story Concluded, The Kobolds Had Fought Yet Here Is A Spellstone Azari Forgot Pawned Off To Shops, Considered A Trinket Dark Powers Contained, None Would Think It
Text Give Undead In Your Hand +1/+1 <i>( Gain (<b> Corpse</b>, <b> Corpses</b>) To Upgrade )</i>
Keywords Corpse
Collectible True
Duels Constructed False
Duels Relevant False